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Clinical Research/Clinical Trials in Otology: Setting the Research Agenda for Development of an Intervention

May 9–10, 2007
Bethesda Marriott Suites, Bethesda, Maryland

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Wednesday May 9, 2007

9:00 Welcome Jim Battey
Introductions Ling Chin

Development of an Intervention/Treatment

9:30 Surgical Therapy PJ Devereaux
10:00 Pharmacotherapy Paul Glue
10:30 Break  
10:45 Behavioral Therapy Michael Pantalon
11:15 Device Srinivas Nandkumar
11:30 CAM Therapies Partap Khalsa
11:45 Practical Clinical Trials Madhukar Trivedi
12:15 Lunch  
Data Sources and Availability
1:30 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) Susan Schappert
  AAO-HNS Susan Holzer
  NIDCD Data Sources Howard Hoffman
Research Experience: Successes and Challenges
2:00 NIDCD: Past, Current Leading to the Future Amy Donahue
2:15 Around The Table Debara Tucci
All participants
3:15 Break  
3:30 Building a Clinical Research Infrastructure David Witsell
3:45 Charge to WorkGroups

Ling Chin
Debara Tucci

Middle Ear/Conductive Hearing Loss: Chole, Tucci, Lesperance, Yueh, Witsell
Inner Ear/Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Gantz, Dubno, Lalwani, Niparko, Tyler
Vestibular/Balance: Minor, Gates, Harris, Rauch
  1. based on data and experience, develop list of otologic conditions to be targeted in the next 5 to 10 years.
  2. for each target condition, categorize the current state of knowledge and the areas of research to be targeted for clinical research leading to treatment in the next 5 to 10 years.
5:30 Adjourn  

Thursday May 10, 2007

8:00 WorkGroups
Middle Ear/Conductive Hearing Loss
Inner Ear/Sensorineural Hearing Loss
10:30 Break  
10:45 WorkGroup Presentations
Middle Ear/Conductive Hearing Loss
Inner Ear/Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Richard Chole
Bruce Gantz
11:45 Lunch  
1:00 Vestibular/Balance Lloyd Minor
1:30 Summation and Discussion of further plans Debara Tucci
Ling Chin
2:00 Adjourn  

Recorders for both days: Judy Dubno, Steve Rauch


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