The NIDCD's extramural program funds research and training opportunities at universities, medical centers, and other institutions throughout the United States and abroad through research grants, career development awards, and other mechanisms. Our extramural research and training programs are administered through the Division of Scientific Programs (DSP) and the Division of Extramural Activities (DEA).
About the Division of Scientific Programs
The Division of Scientific Programs (DSP) coordinates the management of the extramural portfolio of grants and contract support for research and research training. Staff plan and direct extramural research grants, career development awards, individual and institutional research training awards, center grants, and contracts to public and private research institutions and organizations across the country and around the world.
To advance research of communications and related disorders, staff in the Division of Scientific Programs:
- Assess the need for research and research training in all program areas.
- Develop workshops or funding opportunities to address those needs.
- Recommend program priorities and funding levels for activities supported by grants and contracts.
- Collaborate on trans-NIH activities and on projects with other government agencies.
- Consult with voluntary health organizations and professional associations to identify research needs.
- Advise potential applicants regarding NIDCD funding and funding mechanisms.
About the Division of Extramural Activities
The Division of Extramural Activities (DEA) provides grant management and processing for all of the NIDCD’s extramural research projects and conducts initial scientific merit review of a large array of grant mechanisms. Staff coordinate a broad range of activities and functions to ensure sound and efficient review and management of extramural program activities. They work with their DSP colleagues to provide leadership and advice in developing, implementing, and coordinating extramural programs and policies. DEA staff represent the NIDCD on NIH committees on extramural program policies and oversee compliance with such policies within the NIDCD.
Within the division, the Scientific Review Branch manages grant review and coordination, and the Grants Management Branch awards and tracks grants. Staff in the Division of Extramural Activities:
- Oversee and direct scientific review of research and training grant applications and contract proposals.
- Develop and implement grants management policies.
- Manage the NDCD Advisory Council, which provides second level review of applications prior to award.
- Manage the NIDCD’s advisory committees.
Scientific Program Areas
Crosscutting Program Areas
Staff Contacts
- Division of Scientific Programs
- Division of Extramural Activities (grants management/review)
For More Information
- Workshop and Meeting Reports
- Research Funding Opportunities
- Research Training
- Projects Funded by NIDCD: Search NIH RePORTER for research expenditures and results