Section on Structural Cell Biology
Bechara Kachar, M.D. , Chief
The Laboratory of Cell Structure and Dynamics (LCSD) seeks an integrated molecular understanding of the architecture, dynamics, function, and renewal of specialized cellular structures—in particular, those underlying the mechanosensory function of auditory and vestibular sensory cells. The long-term goal of the program is to develop a framework for understanding the different forms of loss of mechanosensory function and to explore opportunities for preventive and therapeutic interventions.
Members of Dr. Kachar's lab investigate the fundamental biological processes of hearing. Photo credit: NIH Intramural Research Program website
Selected Publications
Krystofiak ES, Heymann JB, Kachar B. Carbon replicas reveal double stranded structure of tight junctions in phase-contrast electron microscopy . Commun Biol . 2019 Mar 12;2:98. doi: 10.1038/s42003-019-0319-4. eCollection 2019. Du TT, Dewey JB, Wagner EL, Cui R, Heo J, Park JJ, Francis SP, Perez-Reyes E, Guillot SJ, Sherman NE, Xu W, Oghalai JS, Kachar B, Shin JB. LMO7 deficiency reveals the significance of the cuticular plate for hearing function . Nat Commun . 2019 Mar 8;10(1):1117. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09074-4. Dantas VGL, Raval MH, Ballesteros A, Cui R, Gunther LK, Yamamoto GL, Alves LU, Bueno AS, Lezirovitz K, Pirana S, Mendes BCA, Yengo CM, Kachar B, Mingroni-Netto RC. Characterization of a novel MYO3A missense mutation associated with a dominant form of late onset hearing loss . Sci Rep . 2018 Jun 7;8(1):8706. Beurg M, Cui R, Goldring AC, Ebrahim S, Fettiplace R, Kachar B. Variable number of TMC1-dependent mechanotransducer channels underlie tonotopic conductance gradients in the cochlea . Nat Commun . 2018 Jun 5;9(1):2185. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04589-8. Zhao J, Krystofiak ES, Ballesteros A, Cui R, Van Itallie CM, Anderson JM, Fenollar-Ferrer C, Kachar B. Multiple claudin-claudin cis interfaces are required for tight junction strand formation and inherent flexibility . Commun Biol . 2018 May 17;1:50. doi: 10.1038/s42003-018-0051-5. eCollection 2018. Ebrahim S, Avenarius MR, Grati M, Krey JF, Windsor AM, Sousa AD, Ballesteros A, Cui R, Millis BA, Salles FT, Baird MA, Davidson MW, Jones SM, Choi D, Dong L, Raval MH, Yengo CM, Barr-Gillespie PG, Kachar B. Stereocilia-staircase spacing is influenced by myosin III motors and their cargos espin-1 and espin-like . Nat Commun. 7:10833 . doi: 10.1038/ncomms10833, 2016. Kurima, K., Ebrahim, S., Pan, B., Sedlacek, M., Sengupta, P., Millis, B.A., Cui, R., Nakanishi, H., Fujikawa, T., Kawashima, Y., Choi, B.Y., Monahan, K., Holt, J.R., Griffith, A.J., and Kachar, B. TMC1 and TMC2 Localize at the Site of Mechanotransduction in Mammalian Inner Ear Hair Cell Stereocilia . Cell Reports . 2(10):1606-17, 2015. Crawley, S.W., Shifrin, D.A., Jr., Grega-Larson, N.E., McConnell, R.E., Benesh, A.E., Mao, S., Zheng, Y., Zheng, Q.Y., Nam, K.T., Millis, B.A., Kachar, B., Tyska, M.J. Intestinal brush border assembly driven by protocadherin-based intermicrovillar adhesion . Cell 157(2):433-46, 2014. Ebrahim S, Fujita T, Millis BA, Kozin E, Ma X, Kawamoto S, Baird MA, Davidson M, Yonemura S, Hisa Y, Conti MA, Adelstein RS, Sakaguchi H, Kachar B. NMII forms a contractile transcellular sarcomeric network to regulate apical cell junctions and tissue geometry . Curr Biol . 22;23(8):731-6, 2013. Merritt RC, Manor U, Salles FT, Grati M, Dose AC, Unrath WC, Quintero OA, Yengo CM, Kachar B. (2012). Myosin IIIB uses an actin-binding motif in its espin-1 cargo to reach the tips of actin protrusions . Curr Biol. 22(4), 320-5. Burnette DT, Sengupta P, Dai Y, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Kachar B. (2011). Bleaching/blinking assisted localization microscopy for superresolution imaging using standard fluorescent molecules . Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108(52), 21081-6. Grati M, Kachar B. (2011). Myosin VIIa and sans localization at stereocilia upper tip-link density implicates these Usher syndrome proteins in mechanotransduction . Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108(28), 11476-81. Burnette DT, Manley S, Sengupta P, Sougrat R, Davidson MW, Kachar B, Lippincott-Schwartz J. (2011). A role for actin arcs in the leading-edge advance of migrating cells . Nat Cell Bio 13(4), 371-81. Manor U, Disanza A, Grati M, Andrade L, Lin H, Di Fiore PP, Scita G, Kachar B. (2011). Regulation of stereocilia length by myosin XVa and whirlin depends on the actin-regulatory protein Eps8 . Curr Biol 21(2), 167-72. Salles FT, Merritt RC Jr, Manor U, Dougherty GW, Sousa AD, Moore JE, Yengo CM, Dosé AC, Kachar B. (2009). Myosin IIIa boosts elongation of stereocilia by transporting espin 1 to the plus ends of actin filaments . Nat Cell Biol 11(4), 443-50. Kazmierczak, P., Sakaguchi, H., Tokita, J., Wilson-Kubalek, E. M., Milligan, R. A., Muller, U. and Kachar, B. (2007). Cadherin 23 and protocadherin 15 interact to form tip-link filaments in sensory hair cells . Nature 449, 87-91. Publications in PubMed
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April 9, 2019