Percent of the U.S. population aged 20-69 with hearing loss >25 decibels, by occupational noise exposure
People Who Reported No Loud Noise at Work: 5.5 percent
People Who Reported Loud Noise at Work - Loud (must raise voice to be heard) for a duration of less than five years: 5.4 percent
People Who Reported Loud Noise at Work - Loud (must raise voice to be heard) for a duration of five or more years: 8.9 percent
People Who Reported Loud Noise at Work - Very Loud (must shout to be understood by someone 3 feet away) for a duration of less than five years: 10.0 percent
People Who Reported Loud Noise at Work - Very Loud (must shout to be understood by someone 3 feet away) for a duration of five or more years: 17.8 percent
Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2012. Analysis reported in JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, December 2016.