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NIDCD Fiscal Year 2024 Funding Guidelines


The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) supports biomedical and behavioral research and research training in the normal and disordered processes of hearing, balance, taste, smell, voice, speech, and language. For more information, please refer to the NIDCD mission statement.

NIDCD Funding

Current Appropriations

NIH is currently operating under the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, which provides appropriations to federal agencies through September 30, 2024. See NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-24-109 for information about NIH fiscal operations for fiscal year 2024.

Guidance on Salary Limitation for Grants and Cooperative Agreements for FY 2024 is available at NOT-OD-24-057, and information on Legislative Mandates in Effect for FY 2024 is available at NOT-OD-24-110. Guidance on predoctoral and postdoctoral stipend levels, tuition/fees, and training-related expenses for FY 2024 is published in guide notice NOT-OD-24-104.


NIDCD distributes its resources among many diverse programs and mechanisms. The institute is committed to funding the largest number of meritorious projects possible, while allowing the flexibility needed to support selected program priorities and respond to emerging scientific opportunities.

NIDCD establishes general guidelines for funding based on scientific merit, responsiveness to the institute's priorities, and availability of funds.


NIDCD will implement the NIH Fiscal Policy for Grant Awards as follows:

  • Non-competing awards
    • NIDCD expects to issue non-competing awards at 100% of the previously committed level.
    • NIDCD will make upward adjustments to awards that were paid at less than 100% earlier in the fiscal year.
    • Non-competing fellowship and training awards will be issued at 100% of the previously committed level, with stipends and training-related expenses adjusted to FY 2024 levels per NOT-OD-24-104.
  • Competing awards
    Generally, all percentiled R01s will be supported as follows:
    • R01 using categorical budget (> $250,000 direct costs, exclusive of subaward F&A): 85% of the recommended level.
    • R01 using modular budget (≤ $250,000 direct costs, exclusive of subaward F&A): 100% of the recommended level.
    • R01 within the payline from Early Stage Investigators (ESI): 100% of the recommended level.

All other competing grant applications will be reviewed by program directors to determine an appropriate support level.

NIDCD allocates the majority of its research project grant funds to applications in ranked (percentile or priority score) order. However, a portion of the funds is reserved for projects that may be outside this range but are of particular programmatic interest to the institute.

Inflationary increases for future year commitments will not be supported for any grant awards issued in fiscal year 2024. However, support requested and approved in the competing application for fluctuations in research needs will be considered.

Salaries are limited to the levels published on the NIH salary cap page. Total compensation for graduate students (salary, fringe benefits, tuition) will be limited to the National Research Service Award (NRSA) zero level postdoctoral stipend in effect at the time the award is made (see the NIH Grants Policy Statement: Graduate Student Compensation.

Early Stage Investigators

Details of the special consideration provided to Early Stage Investigators by NIDCD is available on the Support for Early Stage Investigators page.

Additional Information and Resources for Grantees

Officials from institutions that may be receiving NIH grant support for the first time should read the NIH Welcome Wagon Letter. All relevant extramural funding policies can be found on the NIH Office of Extramural Research's Policy and Compliance pages. Additional information on modular applications and awards is posted on the NIH Modular Research Grant Applications page.

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