Lisa Kopf, Ph.D., (she/her) joined NIDCD in September 2023 as the Program Officer for the Voice and Speech Program. Dr. Kopf received a bachelor’s degree in speech pathology and audiology from the University of Virginia, a master’s degree in speech-language pathology from the University of Iowa, and a Ph.D. in communicative sciences and disorders from Michigan State University. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Iowa, working with faculty in communication sciences and disorders and neurosurgery.
Dr. Kopf’s primary research interest is in clinical voice disorders. During her doctoral training, she worked with NIDCD-funded investigators in the area of voice disorders. Her additional interdisciplinary training in user experience design and serious game design have enhanced her research in the prevention and treatment of voice disorders.
Prior to joining NIDCD, Dr. Kopf was the clinical supervisor in voice at George Washington University. In this position, she trained master’s degree students who worked with individuals with voice disorders. Prior to her time at GW, Dr. Kopf was an assistant professor at the University of Northern Iowa, where she managed a research lab and supervised multiple student research projects.