A communication disorder includes a child's voice that is too weak, hoarse, or strained; how a child speaks; problems making speech sounds or stuttering; or problems with how a child learns and understands words or sentences. A swallowing disorder means that a child has trouble swallowing food or liquids for at least 1 week.
Treatment, such as speech and language therapy, can help these children overcome their communication or swallowing disorders.
- Nearly 8% of children ages 3–17 has had a communication or swallowing disorder during the past 12 months.
- Children ages 3–6, boys, and non-Hispanic black children are more likely than other children to have any communication or swallowing disorder.
- Among those with any communication or swallowing disorder, younger children, boys, and non-Hispanic white children were more likely than other children to receive treatment for their disorder.
- Approximately 55% of children ages 3-17 who had any communication or swallowing disorder received treatment during the past 12 months.
What percentage of children ages 3–17 years had a communication disorder during the past 12 months?
- 7.7%—Any communication or swallowing disorder
- 5.0%—Speech problems
- 3.3%—Language problems
- 1.4%—Voice problems
- 0.9%—Swallowing
Among children with a communication or swallowing disorder during the past 12 months, what proportion had multiple types of these disorders?
- 1 in 3 children ages 3–10
- 1 in 4 children ages 11–17
Did the percentage of children ages 3–17 with any communication or swallowing disorder during the past 12 months vary by race/Hispanic origin, sex, or age group?
Race/Hispanic Origin
- 7.8%—Non-Hispanic white
- 9.6%—Non-Hispanic black
- 6.9%—Hispanic
- 5.7%—Girls
- 9.6%—Boys
Age (Years)
- 11.0%—3–6 year olds
- 9.3%—7–10 year olds
- 4.9%—11–17 year olds
Among children ages 3–17 with a communication or swallowing disorder, what percentage received treatment during the past 12 months?
- 55.2%—Any communication or swallowing disorder
- 67.6%—Speech problems
- 66.8%—Language problems
- 22.8%—Voice problems
- 12.7%—Swallowing problems
Did the percentage of children ages 3–17 who received treatment during the past 12 months for any communication or swallowing disorder vary by race/Hispanic origin, sex, and age group?
Race/Hispanic origin
- 60.1%—Non-Hispanic white
- 45.8%—Non-Hispanic black
- 47.3%—Hispanic
- 47.8%—Girls
- 59.4%—Boys
Age (years)
- 59.8%—3–6 year olds
- 61.3%—7–10 year olds
- 42.6%—11–17 year olds
- Black, L. I., Vahratian, A., & Hoffman, H. J. (2015). Communication disorders and use of intervention services among children aged 3–17 years: United States, 2012. NCHS Data Brief, No. 205. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.