Friday, April 30, 2004
7:30 - 9:00 pm. Orientation and Introductions (all attendees)
Saturday, May 1, 2004
8:30 am. Background, Rationale, and Goals of the Workshop. Kuehn
8:45 am. Evaluation procedures. Sweeney and Whitehill
9:45 am. Speech sampling. Henningsson
10:15 am. Break
10:30 am. Parameters and Guidelines. Sell and Trost-Cardamone
11:30 am. Discussion
12:00 noon Lunch
1:30 pm. Scales and scoring. Trost-Cardamone and Sweeney
2:00 pm. Mapping. Whitehill
3:15 pm. Break
3:30 pm. Data Management; identification information. Sell
5:00 pm. Adjourn
Sunday, May 2, 2004
8:30 am. Evaluation versus Reporting: by whom, for whom, what to include? Kuehn
8:45 am. Break out groups to discuss consensus on:
- Parameters
- Guidelines
- Speech sampling
- Scaling and scoring
10:15 am. Break
10:30 am. Consensus and Conclusion on: (Kuehn)
- Parameters
- Guidelines
- Speech sampling
- Scaling and scoring
12:00 noon. Close