October 17, 2014
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Participant List
Laurel H. Carney, Ph.D. Volker Hohmann, Ph.D. James M. Kates, Ph.D. Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Ph.D. Marjorie Leek, Ph.D. Ryan W. McCreery, Ph.D. Stephen T. Neely, D.Sc. Issa Panahi, Ph.D. Vijay Parsa, P. Eng. |
Caslav V. Pavlovic, Ph.D. George Ray Ritmiller, M. Sc. Andy Sabin, Ph.D. Shihab Shamma, Ph.D. Helen Simon, Ph.D. Sandy Throckmorton, Ph.D. DeLiang Wang, Ph.D. Yu-Hsiang Wu, M.D., Ph.D. Tao Zhang, Ph.D. |
Roger L. Miller, Ph.D.
Program Director, Neural Prosthesis Development
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
Amy Donahue, Ph.D.
Program Officer, Hearing and Balance
Deputy Director, Division of Scientific Programs
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
National Institutes of Health