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Section on Sensory Physiology and Biophysics

Angela Ballesteros, Ph.D., Acting Chief

Research Statement

The Section on Sensory Physiology and Biophysics focuses on the relationship between the mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) channel complex and sensory inner ear hair cell physiology. 

The lab's broad goal is to decipher the fundamental relationships between the MET apparatus and sensory hair cell homeostasis that underlie sensory hair cell death and survival to prevent hearing loss and balance disorders.

Lab staff in summer 2024. Top row, L-R: Roham Tonk, Christina Park, Hubert Lee. Middle row, L-R: Jayashree Balaraman, Janelle Marie Rinehart, Runjia Cui. Bottom row, L-R: Emdad Rahman, Angela Ballesteros.
Lab staff in summer 2024. Top row, L-R: Rohan Tonk, Christina Park, Hubert Lee. Middle row, L-R: Jayashree Balaraman, Janelle Marie Rinehart, Runjia Cui. Bottom row, L-R: Emdad Rahman, Angela Ballesteros.

Lab Personnel

Interested in discussing potential jobs or research opportunities in this group? Contact the research group leader listed at the top of the Lab Personnel section.

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