Project Director: Mark X. Odum
Public Information Contact: Information Specialists
The National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) is a federally-funded library and information center focusing on disability and rehabilitation research. NARIC serves as the library and dissemination point for research funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), which includes information about the 250+ projects funded by NIDILRR and community resources and more than 100,000 documents and journal articles. NARIC's librarians and information specialists provide resources by topic area, information and referrals, customized database searches, and assistance with finding information to live and work independently. Internet users can access NARIC's databases, bulletins, and all NARIC-produced information is translated into Spanish. Referrals to resources and plain-language summaries of research articles, blogs, reports, and announcements are available.
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