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National Cued Speech Association (NCSA), Deaf Children's Literacy Project

President: Esther Rimer
Outreach: Dr. Polly Earl

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 190-713
Washington, DC 20004
Toll-Free Voice: (800) 459-3529

The National Cued Speech Association (NCSA) and its Deaf Children's Literacy Project promote the effective use of cued speech for communication, language acquisition (in more than 67 languages), and literacy through the use of cued speech. NCSA provides education, awareness, and support for people with language, hearing, speech, and learning needs through publications, exhibits, family/professional learning vacations, and conferences. NCSA sets standards of cueing and certifies instructors of cued speech. Visit NCSA's bookstore for books, games, computer software, and more.


On Cue
Frequency: triannual
Type: newsletter

Last Updated Date: