Principal Investigators (PIs) of research grant applications to the NIDCD may wish to provide additional information through a Letter of Information (LOI) to the NIDCD program staff and the NDCD Advisory Council. Prior to submitting such a letter, PIs are highly encouraged to discuss this option with their program officer whose name appears on the summary statement. Most grant applications presented to the NDCD Advisory Council are not accompanied by an LOI. LOIs are not required and do not guarantee funding.
The letter will be provided to the NDCD Advisory Council for consideration at the upcoming meeting of that same review cycle. (Find meeting dates.) The letter should be:
- Responsive to the comments raised in the summary statement.
- Ideally, no more than 3 pages long.
- Received as soon as possible following receipt of the summary statement and discussion with the program officer but no later than three weeks prior to the Council meeting. (Find meeting dates).
- Counter-signed by the principal investigator and the university business official (authorized organizational representative) and emailed to the NIDCD program officer.